[MBL Discuss] Balsam Series Cleanup

Nancy Grant nbgrantme at gmail.com
Mon May 23 19:04:54 EDT 2016

One of the items we discussed at the Spring Balsam meeting was cleaning up

I would like each of you to list those series that you would like to
especially see cleaned up. Please do this by June 3.

1.  What Series would you like to see cleaned up (you don't necessarily
have to actually do the cleaning yourself).  (Please list 10 or more series's
that you'd like to see cleaned).

2.  Are you willing to do some cleaning?   (If so, are there any particular
series's that you'd like to work on?)

Given that list, Chris and I will prepare detailed instructions and send to
each of you who also volunteer to clean up series.

We know it is a busy time for school libraries, but this is a great time as
you shelf-read looking for "lost" books, or do inventory, you can note
which series you have that are popular.

Thank you.

Nancy B. Grant
Maine Balsam Libraries Consortium President
Retired LMS, NBCT
Dover-Foxcroft, Maine
nbgrantme at gmail.com

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